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What Household Chores Will Eventually Be Done by Robots?

As technology continues to advance, robots are becoming more prevalent in our daily lives. One area in which they are expected to play an increasingly significant role is in household chores. According to a recent study, robots could potentially take over up to 39% of domestic tasks within the next decade.

Researchers from the University of Oxford and Ochanomizu University in Tokyo surveyed 65 artificial intelligence experts to determine which household chores are most likely to be automated soon. They identified 17 tasks, including vacuuming, washing dishes, and doing laundry, that could be done by robots. The experts estimated that by 2033, robots could take over 39% of these tasks, potentially freeing up significant amounts of time for humans.

While some may worry about the impact of robots on the job market, others see the potential benefits of having machines take over mundane and time-consuming household tasks. With the rise of smart homes and connected devices, robots will likely continue to play an increasingly significant role in our daily lives.

Current State of Household Robots

Household robots are becoming increasingly popular as technology advances. These robots are designed to perform various tasks around the house, such as cleaning, cooking, and even caring for pets. While some robots are still in the development stage, others are already available on the market.

One example of a household robot is the Roomba, a robotic vacuum cleaner that has been on the market for several years. The Roomba uses sensors to navigate around the house and clean floors automatically. It has become a popular choice for busy homeowners who want to keep their homes clean without spending too much time on housework.

Another example is the iRobot Braava, a robot mop that can clean hard floors. It uses a special cleaning solution and can be programmed to clean specific areas of the house. The Braava is designed to work alongside the Roomba, providing a complete cleaning solution for the home.

In addition to cleaning robots, some robots can perform other household tasks. For example, the PetSafe Automatic Feeder is a robot that can feed pets automatically. It can be programmed to dispense food at specific times and can hold enough food for several days.

While household robots are becoming more common, they are still relatively expensive and not yet perfect. Some robots may struggle with certain tasks, such as navigating stairs or cleaning tight spaces. However, as technology continues to improve, household robots will likely become more advanced and capable of performing a wider range of tasks.

Chores & Tasks Robots Will Do in the Future


Robots have already started to take over some of the cleaning tasks in households. Robotic vacuum cleaners have become increasingly popular, and they are expected to become even more advanced in the future. They will be able to clean carpets, hardwood floors, and even stairs. Additionally, robots will be able to clean windows, bathrooms, and kitchens. With advancements in AI technology, robots will be able to learn and adapt to different cleaning situations, making them even more efficient.


Cooking is a complex task that requires creativity, intuition, and skill. While it may be challenging for robots to replicate the human touch, they will still be able to perform some cooking tasks. For example, robots can be programmed to prepare simple meals such as pasta or rice. They can also be used to chop vegetables, mix ingredients, and clean up after cooking. In the future, robots may even be able to create more complex dishes with the help of AI technology.


Gardening is another area where robots will be able to assist in the future. They can be used to mow lawns, trim hedges, and water plants. Additionally, robots can be used to plant seeds, remove weeds, and monitor soil conditions. With advancements in robotics, they will be able to navigate through gardens and avoid obstacles, making them more efficient and effective.

Pet Care

Taking care of pets can be time-consuming and challenging. However, robots can be used to assist with some of the tasks. For example, robots can be used to feed pets, clean litter boxes, and even take dogs for walks. Additionally, robots can monitor pets’ health and provide feedback to owners. With advancements in AI technology, robots will be able to learn and adapt to different pets’ needs, making them even more useful.

Home Security

Robots will also be able to assist with home security in the future. They can be used to monitor homes, detect intruders, and alert homeowners of any suspicious activity. Additionally, robots can be used to lock doors, turn off lights, and even call emergency services in case of an emergency. With advancements in robotics and AI technology, robots will be able to provide even more advanced security features in the future.

Home Repairs

Lastly, robots will be able to assist with home repairs in the future. They can be used to fix simple plumbing and electrical issues, paint walls, and even repair roofs. Additionally, robots can be used to clean gutters, replace light fixtures, and perform routine maintenance tasks. With advancements in robotics, they will be able to perform more complex repairs, making them even more useful in the future.

Technological Requirements for Robotic Chores

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the key to enabling robots to perform household chores. AI-powered robots are equipped with the ability to learn from their environment and adapt to new situations. They can recognize objects, understand natural language, and make decisions based on data analysis. The ability to process large amounts of data is essential for robots to perform household chores. AI algorithms allow robots to recognize patterns and make predictions based on data analysis.

Machine Learning

Machine Learning (ML) is a subset of AI that involves the training of algorithms to perform specific tasks. In the context of household chores, ML algorithms can be used to train robots to recognize different objects, understand natural language, and make decisions based on data analysis. ML algorithms can also be used to improve the accuracy of robots’ predictions and increase their efficiency.

Sensor Technology

Sensor technology is essential for robots to perform household chores. Sensors allow robots to perceive their environment and collect data. They can detect objects, measure distances, and recognize shapes and colors. Sensor technology can be used to improve the accuracy of robots’ predictions and reduce the risk of accidents. For example, sensors can be used to detect obstacles and prevent robots from colliding with them.

In conclusion, AI, ML, and sensor technology are essential for robots to perform household chores. These technologies enable robots to learn from their environment, adapt to new situations, and make decisions based on data analysis. With the continued development of these technologies, robots will be able to perform a wider range of household chores, making life easier for people.

Challenges in Robot Adoption


One of the major challenges in the adoption of robots for household chores is the cost. Currently, the cost of developing and manufacturing robots is high, which makes it difficult for most households to afford them. Although the cost of robots is expected to decrease as technology advances, it may still take some time before robots become affordable to most households.


Another challenge in the adoption of robots is safety. Robots are machines that can malfunction or cause accidents if not properly programmed or maintained. For instance, a robot vacuum cleaner may accidentally suck up small objects that could damage the machine or cause a fire. To ensure safety, robots must be designed to detect and avoid obstacles, as well as shut down automatically in case of malfunctions.


Privacy is also a significant concern in the adoption of robots for household chores. Robots are equipped with sensors and cameras that can collect personal information about individuals and their homes. This information could be used by third parties for malicious purposes, such as identity theft or burglary. To address this concern, robots must be designed to protect the privacy of individuals and their homes by encrypting data and limiting access to authorized individuals only.

In conclusion, while robots have the potential to revolutionize household chores, there are still significant challenges that must be addressed before they become widely adopted. The cost, safety, and privacy concerns must be addressed to ensure that robots are safe and affordable and protect the privacy of individuals and their homes.

Future Predictions

As per recent research, robots are expected to take over many household chores in the coming years. Here are some predictions about the household tasks that could be automated with the help of robots:


Cleaning is one of the most time-consuming household chores. However, with the advancement of technology, robots have already been developed that can clean floors, carpets, and windows. In the future, it is predicted that robots will be able to clean every surface in the house, including walls and ceilings.


Cooking is another time-consuming task that could be automated with the help of robots. Already, some robots can cook simple dishes like pasta and rice. In the future, it is predicted that robots will be able to cook more complex dishes, and even prepare meals from scratch.


Laundry is a task that nobody enjoys. However, with the help of robots, it could become a lot easier. Already, some robots can fold clothes and sort them by color. In the future, it is predicted that robots will be able to wash and dry clothes as well.

Grocery Shopping

Grocery shopping is a task that many people dread. However, with the help of robots, it could become a lot easier. Already, some robots can help people make shopping lists and order groceries online. In the future, it is predicted that robots can do the shopping themselves and even put the groceries away when they get home.

Overall, it is predicted that robots will be able to take over many household chores in the coming years, making life easier and more convenient for people. However, it is important to note that robots cannot replace human interaction and care, especially when it comes to tasks like childcare and eldercare.

Jeff Martin

About the Author Jeff Martin

As an avid technology enthusiast, Jeff offers insightful views on the impact and possibilities of AI and emerging technologies. Jeff champions the idea of staying informed and adaptive in an era of rapid technological change, encouraging a thoughtful approach to understanding and embracing these transformative developments.